
Digital Analysis & Planning

Fishpeople was founded to “re-imagine North America’s relationship to the sea” and sources only sustainable seafood species. As a certified B Corporation, Fishpeople is committed to transparent business practices, increasing access to quality seafood by making it convenient and affordable, and promoting ocean health.

The Challenge

As a relatively young brand, Fishpeople came to Current Shift for help improving its messaging and content on its digital channels. The team also wanted to identify and define the brand voice and persona, train the team so everyone was on the same page, and put in place systems to track performance over time. Last but not least, they needed strategies and a plan to reach their goals. We started with a deep analysis of their content across all digital channels.

Why It Matters

To reach a goal you must first know what your starting point is. Analyzing past performance provides important insights to guide future strategies and planning, and tracking along the way gives you a clear picture of whether you’re headed in the right direction.


To conduct an in-depth analysis of Fishpeople’s digital channels including the website, blogs, consumer and wholesale email newsletters to identify the characteristics of high- and low-performing content, off-brand messaging and content, and gain insights into potential tactics and strategies to improve overall performance through integrated content planning and a coherent, consistent brand voice.

What We Did & Deliverables

The Digital Content Analysis and Assessment was the first of three projects: Digital content analysis and assessment, Brand voice development and training, and the creation of a Digital Marketing and Content Strategy Plan to guide the team through 2017.

The in-depth analysis and accompanying report, which included detailed takeaways, recommendations, and suggested action items, allowed us to identify which digital channels and social networks were most effectively reaching Fishpeople’s target consumer groups. We ditched the ones that weren’t working, and focused resources where we identified the biggest opportunities.

The analysis also allowed us to identify various content areas and topics that Fishpeople could develop to more effectively engage and communicate with all of its core consumers – targeting different types of content to different groups using interest and behavioral profiling.

We were able to see what was working, what wasn’t, which fans were engaging with the brand and where they were interacting, and to identify trends and areas of opportunities that we then leveraged in the digital marketing planning process, developing strategies and tactics to reach Fishpeople’s goals.

Digital Analysis and Assessment Report
Brand Guide: Voice, Persona and Personality
Team Training: Brand voice and content creation
Digital Marketing and Content Strategy Plan for 2016-2017
Collaboration on the Concepting and Development of the #FearNoFish Campaign

The Results

  • Community growth on social media channels in 2016: 69% to 270%
  • Average engagement on social channels (2016 compared to 2015): 27% to 125% higher
  • Integration of marketing campaigns across digital channels in 2016: 100%
  • Content optimized for the channel: 91% (compared to 51% in 2015)
  • Digital content with on-brand voice demonstrating the “Fishpeople” personality: 97% in 2016 compared to 38% in 2015